
I'm Glad God Uses Weak Things...


Have you ever asked God to change your nature into something that’s a little easier for you to deal with?

Through the years, God has changed many things in my life. He has given back and restored many things that were broken, lost or stolen in my past years of sin. He has healed many relationships in my life especially the ones that were needed mostly (my relationship with my husband and father). He has changed my attitude, outlook and desires. He has given me faith and several opportunities to build upon it. He has given me the land and so many times, He has personally chosen to give me the morning (the newness that only He can bring). Yet in all these things, I have not convinced Him to change my nature. This person in me, or this personality that I carry around, is just not impressive. Oh the times I thought that if I could convince God to let me be another or let me trade personalities with another, then I would have it made and life would be so much easier. All my insecurities would be gone!

There is a major problem with the idea of trading natures though... If God were to speak today and give me permission to trade with someone else, which one would I choose? Finding someone who has no personality flaws would be tough. Where could I find someone who has no weakness in his or her flesh? Is there anyone out there who is completely confident and proficient in every area of their life? I have been searching for a while but I’ve found none. It seems we all have a weakness. Some people are just better at covering up more than others. I have lived long enough to know that you can train your responses to be acceptable in front of others but all of us have something in our “natural blood” to contend with.

One thing you can be sure of today is that God does care about you and the weakness in your flesh. He may not ever change it because it may be the very thing that keeps you depending on His strength. He doesn’t leave it there to torment you. God uses weak places to show Himself strong. The only people who are ever defeated by personal weaknesses are the ones who refuse to give them over to God. He has proved over and over again that His grace is sufficient for all of us. I was reading a book by Robert A. Schuller a few days ago and I couldn’t help but laugh at his detailed listing of the people in the Bible. He started out with Noah was a drunk, Abraham was too old, Isaac was a daydreamer, Jacob was a liar, Joseph was abused, Moses stuttered, Gideon was afraid and I’m sure you get the point of his list!

My point today is don’t let the weakness in you be your excuse for not trying and stop thinking that you are the only one. Don’t waste time wishing you were someone else. They too have a weakness. Give everything that is in you to GOD. He can use you and when it comes to your weakness, He will most likely use IT too!

Loving U Like a Sister,


copyright, © 2016, Regina Davis