
Dirty, Dented or Broken?


Several years ago my friend came by and dropped off a crystal vase. She told me that God had insisted that she buy that specific crystal vase for me. Of course, I graciously accepted the beautiful vase without hesitation and put it on the stand next to my bed. Not many days following, the Holy Spirit led me into the bedroom where He fixed my eyes on the vase and led me through a three hour vision concerning God, women and vases.

The vision was this: I could see God approaching and calling women to Him from everywhere. I mean, from the vision I could see that He was calling women from every walk of life. Even though this may sound strange, I could see the women as if they were different containers and vases. Some were like the crystal vase that my friend had given me. I saw some that were chipped and dented. Some needed to be painted. Some were corroded and looked like something that needed to be thrown away. Sadly, some were just scattered on the floor in broken pieces. Regardless of their former state, it was plain to me that He was calling them all.

His invitation to the women seemed emotional but very direct. I could feel God’s love and sincerity for them but I could also feel the seriousness of His call. Even though I was overwhelmed with what I was feeling toward Him at that moment, I knew that He intended that my greater focus be on the women that He was having conversations with. He first spoke to the women that were chipped, dented or scratched. He invited them to get into His hands. They refused because they didn’t feel as if they were good enough. He assured them that even though they had been used and damaged a little, they were still good in His eyes. He also reminded them that it wasn’t about who they were it was about who He was. He told them that once they were in His hands He could change anything about them. They were glad to hear that and they got into His hands.

The next group of women were even more difficult for God to convince to get into His hands. They were filthy containers. I cried intensely when I felt their shame (a shame that is hard to explain to others and is something that I know personally). God so lovingly coerced them by helping them to understand that He understood things like that. He could make them cleaner and shinier than anyone had ever seen. As He had done with the others, He reminded them that it was all about what He could do for them once they had gotten into His hands. Though it took a little longer than the first group, they did eventually get into His hands.

He then went after the saddest group which was the women that were in broken pieces, scattered on the floor. The conversation I heard between God and one woman left me in tears for several days and even now as I recall it. I remember the torment and pain in her voice. I also remember the promise that God gave to her if she would only get into His hands. She told God that she was of no use to Him because she had no form or identity any longer. She didn’t know who she was or what she was supposed to be. She was just a few pieces of glass. She said that there were a few pieces here and there, but most of her was lost somewhere in the past. She had lost almost everything through the years, even her children. She questioned what would God want with one who had nothing, looked like nothing, and felt like nothing.

GOD TOLD HER THAT HE KNEW EXACTLY WHERE EVERY PIECE OF HER WAS, AND BECAUSE HE WAS GOD, HE COULD CALL EVERY PIECE BACK TO WHERE IT BELONGED. He told her that she was and had always been something. He knew her form exactly. He completely remembered her design. He could fix her broken life, broken dreams and her broken family. Not only did He say that He could but He promised her that He would. She wept and I felt every tear that she cried, but finally I saw those little fragments of glass get into His Hands. Even though it was only a vision, I cried tears of joy because I knew that she had made the greatest decision of her life and I knew that she was going to be ok.

This vision, of course, has left a lasting impact on my life. I have given myself to the work of compelling women to get into the hands of God. Whether we see ourselves as crystal vases, flawed containers or broken glass, God wants us. He wants us to get into His hands. I saved the most shocking part of the vision for last. The only women who refused to get into God’s hands were the vases that were perfect looking. They told God that they were fine with how things were and did not need His assistance nor His hands. They pointed out to Him that they had beautiful artwork in their design and had no desire to change things. God was disappointed that they didn’t understand that not only did His hands represent everything good that He could do and make, but they also represented safety. Even though the seemingly perfect vases were fine now, what would happen if someday they were knocked from the shelf? They hadn’t understood that God had offered them a place of security as well.

I pray that this message is clear to you. God loves women. He wants to heal and recover, protect and provide. His offer is a life of peace, reward and meaning. His promise is one that is eternal. He is an amazing God and can do amazing things with our lives no matter how good or bad we think that they are. He is waiting with open arms for you today. Take this opportunity to get into HIS HANDS.

The Sinner's Prayer

Dear Lord, I recognize that I am in need of your hands and saving grace.
I realize that I am a sinner and cannot make it on my own.
I believe in you and in your promises.
I give you my heart and I give you my life.
Today, I accept Jesus Christ, the son of God, as my personal Savior. Amen

Romans 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Loving U Like a Sister,


copyright, © 2016, Regina Davis