
Who Are You?


I have a question for you to consider today: Who are you? Self-identification is at the root of every decision we make. The choice of a spouse, career, religion and even simple things like clothing depict our identification of SELF.

Knowing who "you are" is critical to your success! Acknowledging your weakness can help you be vigilant and wiser to guard that area. Awareness of your abilities and strength will help give you the confidence to go into new territories. Being mindful of your areas of sensitivity can help you pinpoint your motivation. And of course, studying your heart's desire can help you understand your greatest need.

There are many situations in the Bible where someone, after being approached, asked the other "who are you?" (some examples: Moses & God; Jacob & angel; (Paul & Jesus). We understand that their relationship wouldn't go any further until they identified who it was that they were dealing with. We tend to be the same whether in business, church or our personal lives. We want to know the people before we enter a partnership with them. What I am saying though is that we will all do better in these relationships if we really get to know SELF first!

Loving U Like a Sister,


copyright, © 2016, Regina Davis